
Posted By Fuller Harvey On October 24, 2017

EHR Customer Satisfaction: UPswing!

EHR Customer satisfaction upbeat

Results of the 2017 HEALTHCARE IT NEWS “EHR Satisfaction Survey” indicate a move in the positive direction for respondents in feeling that their providers and not only listening to their concerns but are also evolving their systems in responsiveness to user feedback – in other words, EHR customer satisfaction is on the rise.  “It is a sign that innovation is taking hold among some products, and that certain EHRs are maturing into systems that users can appreciate,” writes Mike Millard, noting: “After years of frustrations, (the) user wish-list turns positive.”

Nearly half (47%) of respondents to the 2017 indicated they would score their system “eight” or higher (on a scale of 1-10) in answering, “What was your overall satisfaction with the EHR system?”
Accessible, friendly customer service and on-going training enhances users satisfaction with their EHR.  System developers like Patagonia Health have award-winning customer service being provided at an echelon which is proactive in its responsiveness, (for example via their Health Directors User Group) – rather than being simply reactive to user difficulties.   Patagonia Health and other web-based providers are able to maintain technological advancements with a regular schedule of incremental software releases, and free continuing education of current users via webinars is part of a progressive EHR culture – all of which contribute to user satisfaction.
Happy users mean happy clinics.
And happy clinics are not only productive clinics, they also make the world a better place.

What is YOUR satisfaction with your EHR?   If you aren’t happy, perhaps it’s time to find a different EHR family which will hear you and respond to your needs.    “Come on. . . .Get Happy!”  As the 2017 Healthcare IT survey shows: It’s possible!

About Fuller Harvey

Fuller is a creative consultant who is bringing her passion for connective, encouraging, and practical communication to Patagonia Health. She considers her greatest strength to be creating an adhesive environment where individuals are valued, supported and celebrated for the contributions they bring to the “team table” and where all communication -both within and without the company – has positive purpose and impact.