Category Archives: New Features

Patagonia Health Launches Ideas Portal for Feature Requests

Patagonia health ideas portal

After months of work and a pilot customer, Patagonia Health, an integrated Electronic Health Record, Practice Management, and Billing software company, launched an Ideas Portal for our customers.  Patagonia Health values the input of our customers. The health industry is constantly evolving, and we pride ourselves on designing solutions tailored specifically for public and behavioral […]

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Patagonia Health Streamlines its Clinical Form Update Process

Patagonia Health Streamlines its Clinical Form Update Process

Our EHR. Practice Management, and Billing solution underwent a significant transformation in 2023, making it far more efficient in handling updates to clinical forms. We heard our customers’ feedback and implemented improvements to our solution. Thanks to our newly developed form builder functionality, we have streamlined the process to update clinical forms for the unique […]

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Patagonia Health Offers FPAR 2.0 Reporting

FPAR 2.0 reporting

In an effort to streamline data reporting and improve public health services, Family Planning Annual Reports (FPAR) are transitioning to version 2.0. Patagonia Health now offers this updated FPAR 2.0 reporting integrated within our electronic health record (EHR) for our public health customers.  FPAR 2.0 reporting revolutionizes data collection, service delivery, and reporting analysis for […]

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Introducing our New Appointment Adherence App 

Appointment Adherence App

Effective appointment management is crucial for the smooth operation of any healthcare organization. Practice administrators need to stay on top of appointment status changes, while also ensuring timely communication with patients regarding no-shows and policy information. Patagonia Health’s new product, the Appointment Adherence App, is here to provide a comprehensive solution to these challenges.   View […]

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Telehealth Group Therapy Functionality Now Expanded

telehealth group option

Telehealth group therapy sessions are now possible with Patagonia Health’s EHR-embedded Telehealth App. Previously, clinicians could access our Encounter Notes Widget while using our Telehealth App. Now clinicians can integrate our Group Notes Widget with our Telehealth App. We wanted to provide our customers with the benefits of an embedded EHR Telehealth solution so that […]

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