Posted By Fuller Harvey On November 14, 2018

Patagonia Health Expands EHR for Home Visit Intervention Tracking

Home Intervention Tracking in EHR System

Patagonia Health enhances its electronic health record (EHR) software by improving functionality for Home Visit intervention tracking and documentation. Home Visits, used by both public health and behavioral health agencies, create specialized needs for the providing agency.

Intervention Tracking with Enhanced Usability

According to Patagonia Health Chief Enterprise Architect, John Ramsey, the software improvements enhance usability for both on-site documentation and after-visit reporting. “A home visit is very unlike a clinic environment,” Ramsey notes. “Additionally, the necessary documentation varies greatly from state to state and agency to agency.”

Patient Interventions and the information gathered during home visits can now be managed and modified within Progress Notes. The enhancement makes the user experience more streamlined, eliminating double data entry. According to Ramsey, “Users make the modifications to the interventions, and the information gets stored in both places:  Patient Interventions and Progress Notes.”

Custom Reports for Home Visits

Further, Patagonia Health continues to develop customized forms to assist public health and behavioral health agencies. These reports allow staff to pull data from patient records easily. The ability to demonstrate procedures and care administered during a Home Visit is critical for agencies to provide supporting documentation for both grant and insurance funding.

Electronic health record software, which enhances the home visit, says Ramsey, “is good for the patient and good for reporting.”  

Expanding its public health and behavioral health EHR with Home Visit intervention tracking and documentation is evidence of Patagonia Health’s continued commitment to both its customers – and the clients they serve.

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About Fuller Harvey

Fuller is a creative consultant who is bringing her passion for connective, encouraging, and practical communication to Patagonia Health. She considers her greatest strength to be creating an adhesive environment where individuals are valued, supported and celebrated for the contributions they bring to the “team table” and where all communication -both within and without the company – has positive purpose and impact.