
Category Archives: Blog

Avoiding Analysis Paralysis When Selecting an EHR

too many choices

Think back to the grocery shopping experience of our childhood. The cereals were a “section” – not an entire aisle.  We chose between Cheerios[i] and Wheaties[ii]. Or. if Mom was in a splurge mood and it was our lucky day, Captain Crunch[iii] or (you guessed it) Lucky Charms[iv]. But can you guess how many kinds […]

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Having the Right Tool at the Right Time

EHR Toolkit for Planning and Procurement

In our last blog, we encouraged agencies who were beginning the process of implementing an electronic health record (EHR) system  to “Find Your Driver”:  to identify the one key person in your system who believes in the idea of what an EHR platform could do, believes in the people providing support behind the system – […]

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Who’s Driving Your EHR Implementation?

Ehr Implementation

Every fast-moving vehicle needs a driver, including your Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. When transitioning from the archaic land of paper files to the cyber-driven world of secured, cloud-based data management, your agency needs a hero of a super-driver who not only believes in the platform, but also the people behind it, and the people […]

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Not all EHR Vendors are Created Equal

Criteria for comparing EHR vendors

Not all EHR vendors are created equal. In the land of equality, we also have freedom: freedom to do as little or as much as we please. Freedom to excel – and freedom to “get by”. When it comes to meeting the needs of your agency, does your electronic health records vendor excel or merely […]

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Opioid Crisis and Your EHR … a Follow-Up

Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis in America is so severe, we believe each must do what he or she can to wrestle the epidemic into submission, and as an EHR vendor, one of our abilities lies in using this very blog space to trumpet statistics and resources. So, although we addressed this topic last October, [see “3 […]

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