
Author Archives: Monique Dever

About Monique Dever

Monique integrates research and networking with her passion for health and well-being to provide important, up-to-date news, resources and current events to the public health communities. She is the Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company focused on the public health sector.

EHR Adoption Problems – Is it a generational or training issue?

Generational Training

There are numerous articles on line about the concerns over using Electronic Health Records (EHR) software.  These concerns include all the same things EHRs are supposed to improve – accuracy, security, and even time-consumption among other things.  This is especially true during the EHR adoption implementation phase, according to a study published by the Journal […]

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The 2 Sides of Safeguarding your EHR Data from Cybersecurity Threats

People vs Technology

In today’s electronic healthcare world, it is important to make the patient feel safe about sharing their health details.  If they feel their personal health information (PHI) could be at risk of hackers, they may be more likely to withhold information, which could result (worst case scenario) in life threatening consequences.  To fully create a […]

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7 Levels of Service & Support You Should Demand from Your EHR Vendor

Contact Support

When it comes to selecting an EHR software, there are many attributes of the system to consider and compare before choosing. Many EHRs on the market today will be focused on your particular needs and may even cost about the same, but how do you know what you’ll get after go-live?  Will you experience easy […]

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Overcome the Unexpected Challenges of EHR Implementation

climbing graphic

When adopting a new electronic health records (EHR) or any new technology, there are always challenges.  The challenge of learning how to use it well during the EHR implementation in order to fully maximize its benefits, and the challenge of reorganizing processes and upgrading equipment to accommodate abrupt changes.  These obstacles are to be expected.  […]

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Patagonia Health Expands; Relocates Headquarters

15100 Weston Pkwy Blg

Cary, NC Over the past few years Patagonia Health has expanded its staff to keep up with growing demand. The continued growth has been a result of a great product and award-winning customer service, but for the most part, due to high recommendations from our customers.   Throughout this time, we have doubled our sales […]

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