
Category Archives: Blog

EHR Selection and Implementation Success: Common Q & As

EHR selection success

Implementation, training, and selection of your Electronic Health Record (EHR) come with lots of questions. There are hundreds of vendors out there and a slew of sometimes confusing information. Not to worry– we’ve collected our most-asked questions for you. With the right information, you can make your EHR implementation and selection a success. How Do […]

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How an EHR Improves Patient Care

how an ehr improves patient care

It’s no secret that an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can benefit your clinic, but do you know how an EHR improves patient care? With advancements in technology and software continuously pushing out updates, the old way of note-taking and registration is over. There’s no more need for long, confusing forms that will only be […]

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Your Modern-day EHR Can’t Be DIY

modern EHR

Opposed to modern-day Electronic Health Records (EHRs), old-fashioned EHR systems have a Do It Yourself (DIY) model. Your IT team fixes software issues, your staff installs expensive servers, and your team manually downloads applications, all on their own.  Tom Powers, previous Director of Business Development at Patagonia Health, said: “Over twenty years ago, [EHR] software […]

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Fentanyl Crisis – How an EHR Can Help


One of the leading causes of drug overdoses today is fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Last year alone, 107,375 people died from a drug overdose in the United States. 67% of those deaths were from synthetic opioids. Unfortunately, this number has […]

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Providing a Better Telehealth Experience

better telehealth experience

During the first quarter of 2020, telehealth visits increased by 50% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Forward to today, and telehealth appointments are still a significant percentage of health visits.  As more clients experience this convenient tool, they provide valuable perspectives on the best ways to receive remote care. According to a recent study, clients […]

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