
Category Archives: Blog

Combat Digital Burnout with these 3 EHR Solutions

Digital burnout is a growing problem. Societally, we have become reliant on technologies to stay connected and complete our work. These technologies can help but they can also lead to fatigue and information overload. Clinicians encounter stress when their online administrative tasks and messaging distract from patient care. And it’s not just physicians and nurses […]

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EHRs for E-Prescriptions and Drug Monitoring Programs

ehrs for e-prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions (or e-prescriptions) allow prescribers to write prescriptions digitally. Digital prescriptions can save prescribers time and energy and lower the risks of prescription errors, drug reactions, and dosage miscalculations that send 1.3 million Americans to the emergency room annually. E-prescriptions are now federally mandated in most states with the last states scheduled to begin […]

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Bill to Adopt the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Nationwide

ccbhc national funding

The bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Act of 2021 was introduced to the Senate this July and will allow every state to establish fully funded Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) and join the CCBHC Medicaid demonstration nationwide. If the act is passed it will expand access to high-quality mental health and […]

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Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act Re-Introduced

public health infrastructure funding

Lawmakers have re-introduced legislation to provide consistent funding for maintenance of Public Health infrastructure and healthcare IT systems. The Public Health Infrastructure Saves Lives Act is meant to stop the boom-bust funding cycle that the public health system has struggled with for decades and instead provide a steady stream of support. If adopted, the act […]

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Optimize IT Spending: How EHR Support Affects your Bottom Line

ehr support bottom line

Optimize IT spending at your healthcare agency by prioritizing a vendor with great EHR support. Great support has more on an impact on your bottom line than you might think. As healthcare organizations seek to recover from the financial downturn caused by COVID-19 and improve patient outcomes, CIOs are turning to health IT and EHR […]

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