
Category Archives: Blog

Building Company Culture for Positive Relationships

Company culture is the combination of interactions, environments, and ethics that run a corporate workplace. It contributes directly to the wellbeing of an organizations’ functionality, and research has found that the more focus managers spend supporting company culture, the more successful employees become. Company culture also ties into customer experience and vendor relationships.  Happy employees […]

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Benefits of an Embedded EHR Telehealth Tool

embedded ehr telehealth tool benefits

The healthcare field is quickly moving towards using telehealth solutions to increase patient care. The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred its use with an immediate need to connect patients with clinicians virtually, and now it is here to stay. When looking for a telehealth app for your clinic, consider the benefits of using an embedded EHR […]

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Use a Cloud-Based EHR to Reduce Costs

cloud-based ehr cost

There are two forms of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems – systems whose servers are stored on the client side and systems whose server is hosted in the cloud. While both of these systems have immeasurable benefits over paper records, go with a cloud-based EHR to reduce costs at your healthcare agency. CLOUD-BASED EHR COST […]

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How to Evaluate EHR Solutions

evaluate ehr solutions

When shopping for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, evaluate EHR solutions for the following to ensure you find one that can best fit your needs. Certifications EHR certification programs are designed so that healthcare agencies can verify they are investing in secure Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions. Certified solutions would have been rigorously inspected […]

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Modernize Public Health Infrastructure to Defend Against Emerging Viruses

modernize public health infrastructure

Getting back to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic would be getting back to a normal where Americans were vulnerable to that form of devastation. COVID-19 has made us aware that public health and economic prosperity are linked. The threat of emerging viruses has been, and continues to be, one of our nation’s greatest threats. In […]

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