
Author Archives: Monique Dever

About Monique Dever

Monique integrates research and networking with her passion for health and well-being to provide important, up-to-date news, resources and current events to the public health communities. She is the Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company focused on the public health sector.

Is Stage 3 Meaningful Use in the hot seat?

Ready or not, Stage 3 Meaningful Use is coming albeit with some needed flexibility.   There is no exception to adopt and become meaningful use (MU) compliant: all clinics, including public health, must comply. With huge investments already made by numerous healthcare centers nationwide, there is a demand for the sustainability of the meaningful use […]

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How can EHR photo IDs help local health departments uniquely identify patients?

How can EHR photos help local health departments uniquely identify patients?

Many public health departments have unique patient populations, which can increase difficulties in properly identifying their patients. In an ever changing world, local health departments are seeing patients from different parts of the world including Latin America, Burma, and Cambodia etc. Spellings can be confusing. To complicate patient check-in process, some patients use first name […]

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Learn what it means for billing and payments under ICD-10-CM rules

ICD-10-CM Codes

Two things you should do now to get ready for ICD 10 switch over on October 1, 2015. Learn what it means for billing and payments under ICD-10-CM rules.   Public health billing staff and all healthcare centers have huge changes in billing coming down the pike! And there is no rollover or trial period. […]

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What will the role of state and local health departments be in 2020? Chief Public Health Strategist?

State and local health departments are facing growing challenges, including infectious disease threats such as Ebola; a rising burden of chronic illness and an increasingly diverse population. At the same time, fiscal constraints accompanying the 2007–2008 recession and its aftermath hammered local, state, and territorial health agencies, which lost nearly 30,000 jobs—6 percent to 12 […]

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Timely data is difficult to obtain for urban public health departments

Timely data is difficult to obtain for urban (and rural) public health departments

With federal meaningful use Electronic Health Record (EHR) mandates, and connectivity via the Health Information Exchange (HIE), real time data should be available to all public health departments. In an ideal connected world, all public health departments and health agencies would be collecting data and sharing de-identified data to rid the world of infectious and […]

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