
Author Archives: Monique Dever

About Monique Dever

Monique integrates research and networking with her passion for health and well-being to provide important, up-to-date news, resources and current events to the public health communities. She is the Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company focused on the public health sector.

Healthcare and Public Health System; As it is Today and How it Should Evolve

Dr. Stephanie Bailey

Our Guest – Dr. Stephanie Bailey, Dean and Director of Public Health Initiatives, College of Health Sciences, TN State University Over the years, physicians and healthcare providers have played a role in addressing many of the non-medical issues – absolutely! Doctors are educated – you learn to take the history, you learn to do the […]

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Three easy steps to increase reimbursements for public health departments

reduce claims denials, reduce billing errors, expand number of payers

Three easy steps to increase reimbursements for public health departments.  How a modern Electronic Health Record software can be your friend.   Over the past few years, local health departments have continued to see their budgets shrink. Federal government has mandated that all clinics, including public health, must adopt a federally certified Electronic Health Record […]

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Connecting to Health Information Exchange (HIE) via EHR – how it helps syndromic surveillance for public health

Once all community EHRs are connected via Health Information Exchange (HIE) it will be powerful for public health departments to see real-time disease spreading statewide via syndromic surveillance and GIS mapping.   Concentrating on local community concerns, public health departments strategize on policies and tactics used to protect and improve the health of their community. […]

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