
Tag Archives: NC HealthConnex

Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Most healthcare providers who receive state funds, such as Medicaid, are required to connect to NC HealthConnex by June 1, 2020. If your agency isn’t connected in time, you may be unable to receive payments for services you provide. However, many behavioral health agencies don’t know what connecting to the health information exchange (HIE) fully […]

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What is the NC HIE?

NC HealthConnex

North Carolina behavioral health providers are buzzing about the statewide mandate to connect to the health information exchange (HIE) – NC HealthConnex. But, many are unclear as to what exactly it is and what they need to do. What is NC HealthConnex? NC HealthConnex is the state-designated health information exchange. It’s designed to link various […]

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