
Category Archives: Public Health

Do Individuals have to Disclose Vaccination Status?

disclose vaccination status or not - the law

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a controversy about “vaccine passports”, medical privacy laws and individual rights. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eases restrictions on individuals vaccinated against Coronavirus, […]

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EHRs for E-Prescriptions and Drug Monitoring Programs

ehrs for e-prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions (or e-prescriptions) allow prescribers to write prescriptions digitally. Digital prescriptions can save prescribers time and energy and lower the risks of prescription errors, drug reactions, and dosage miscalculations […]

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Traumatic Stress: Protecting Health Staff

For health leaders to best support their staff and community members, efforts can be made towards becoming a trauma-informed organization with focus on supporting resilience and healing and protecting healthcare […]

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