
Category Archives: Blog

Personalization, Configuration and Customization in EHR Design

Personalization, configuration and customization in your EHR

Personalization, configuration and customization in your EHR are sometimes confusing terms to differentiate. They involve different levels of making the EHR software unique to your users, groups of users, or organization. Some levels of these adjustments come as part of the base, out of box, EHR system. Others require source code changes by your vendor […]

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How to Migrate data to a new EHR Successfully

Migrate data to a new EHR

Knowing how to migrate data to a new EHR successfully can save you a lot of worry. Switching EHRs can often be a strenuous and sometimes troublesome process. What can sometimes be even more stressful is migrating all your clients’ important data to your new vendor. While migrating data to a new EHR can be […]

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How to Train New Employees in your EHR when you‘re Busy

How can you train new employees in your EHR when you are already short staffed, busy, and trying to keep up? COVID-10 has exacerbated turnover in the healthcare industry. Remaining staff have little time to dedicate to training new staff members. There are several training strategies you can use. With a plan in place, you […]

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How EHRs support Diabetes & Smoking Cessation Programs

Diabetes & Smoking cessation Programs

EHRs support patients in many ways including supporting programs that directly help patients, such as diabetes & smoking cessation programs. EHRs  can also keep medical records in a safe database, allowing for easy accessibility, and they can provide important information about treatment and recovery. All these functions can support patients living a healthier and happier […]

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What you need to know about FPAR 2.0 for 2022

fpar 2.0

Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 (FPAR 2.0) is the next iteration of FPAR data reporting that will collect encounter level data from Title X family planning service grantees. FPAR 2.0 allows for an improvement to data collection, reporting, and analyzing. This will then lead to better and more opportunities for a better delivery of services […]

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