
Category Archives: Blog

The 5 A’s for Smoking Cessation Interventions

Smoking Cessation

“The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced, killing more than 7 million people a year” according to the World Health Organization.  Of those deaths, more than 6 million are caused by direct tobacco use while another 890,000 are the result of second-hand smoke exposure. The 5 […]

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EHRs Can Improve Efficiency of High Volume Immunizations

EHRs Can Improve Efficiency of High-Volume Immunizations - Patagonia Health

When the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccine in late 2020, public health clinics suddenly had a high volume of immunizations to distribute. The staggering number of vaccinations overwhelmed the clinics that didn’t have an efficient way of tracking and documenting their vaccinations. Ask yourself a couple of questions: Is your health department ready for another […]

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How EHRs Help Public Health Win the War Against TB

TB EHR treatment

Your public health department is most likely very aware of Tuberculosis, or TB. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 1.6 million people died from TB in 2021 alone. They estimate one-fourth of the world’s population is thought to have the causative agent of TB (mycobacterium tuberculosis) and are at risk of […]

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10 Questions to Ask in Your EHR RFP


Every health organization is different. Whether it’s differences in state forms, reporting requirements, or community needs, it’s important to ask the right questions when considering an Electronic Health Record (EHR) vendor.  Some policies require health organizations to use an EHR Request for Proposal (RFP) to assist in their decision-making process – to compare vendors and […]

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The Mental Health Matters Act– EHR Functionalities for School Health

school health

The Mental Health Matters Act is a proposal to address the mental health needs in schools across the United States. The bill passed in September 2022 by the U.S. House of Representatives due to the staggering statistics of students and educators suffering from mental health issues. Last year alone, over 44% of high school students […]

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