
Category Archives: Blog

Bipartisan Support for EHR Incentives for Behavioral Health Agencies

Incentives for Behavioral Health EHR

“Bipartisan” – that beautiful but increasingly rare word describing political parties working together – signals the hopeful future for a bill which is making its way through our nation’s capitol building which would authorize the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to offer incentives for the implementation of electronic health records (EHR) for behavioral […]

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Millennials: Customer Service Change-makers

Customer Service Millennials

{Note:  This is the third installment a blog series spotlighting the impact the Millennial generation is having – and will continue to have – on healthcare.} Millennials are shaking up customer service.   Look around:  more and more restaurants and stores are providing “Order Online, Pick Up in Store” services, much like hotels now offering on-line […]

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Millennials: Technology Change-Makers

Millennials Technology Change Makers

{Note: This is the continuation of a blog series which will spotlight the impact the Millennial generation is having – and is predicted to have – on healthcare.  We’ll take our cue from millennials themselves and not limit ourselves to the number in the series . . . we’ll go where the series leads us.} […]

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Millennials and Healthcare – Get Ready!

millennials health care change makers

Amidst all the hot topics swirling in the health care arena – “Meaningful Use/MIPS”. . . “FPAR” . . . “Opioid Crisis” – one topic off the radar from “bureaucratic speak” has caught our eye:  the impact the generational cohort known as “Millennials” is having on every level of the sector.  As such, Patagonia Health […]

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