
Category Archives: Blog

Inside Behavioral Health: 8 Warning Signs of Mental Illness

Inside Behavioral Health 8 Warning Signs of Mental Illness

Mental disorders are common and widespread. You might be surprised to know an estimated 54 million Americans suffer from mental illness in any given year. 1 What is mental illness? A mental illness is a disease causing disturbances in thought and/or behavior. This results in a person’s inability to cope with life’s typical demands and routines. […]

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Millennials’ Dark Side: Change-makers of Life Expectancy

Millennials' Life Expectancy

And now the Milliennial discussion takes a very hard and very dark turn … and leads us down a path toward a subject impacting nearly every sector of healthcare:  the opioid crisis. Prepare to read the most startling sentence we have come across in a long time: “US millennials are now dying at such high […]

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Millennials: Behavioral Health Change-makers

As we wind down our blog series spotlighting Millennials and the changes they are bringing to the healthcare arena, we are examining one more sector:  behavioral health.  We’ll do this across two blogs.  The first is classic Bad News/Good News examination of statistics regarding Millennials and mental health issues. Our concluding article on Millennials will […]

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Millennials: How to Hire and Retain These HR Change-makers

Millennials HR Change Makers

{Note:  This is the fourth installment a blog series spotlighting the impact the Millennial generation is having – and will continue to have – on healthcare.} Who are millennials – as employees?  What is required of businesses and agencies who hope to hire and retain them?   Gallup says, “Millennials will change the world decisively […]

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