
Category Archives: Blog

Why Health Information Exchange is Important for EHR Use

Health Information Exchange is Important for EHR Use

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are an integral part of today’s healthcare system. Despite initial hesitation to switch to an EHR, an overwhelming majority of organizations that have made the change cannot imagine going back to paper. EHRs improve efficiency and increase reimbursements while improving patient care. As providers become more fluent with the technology, EHRs […]

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What is HL7?

HL7, FHIRE and interoperability

As interoperability becomes a more pressing issue for providers, EHR vendors are paying attention to the standards that work to enable seamless health data exchange. Terms used frequently are HL7 and HL7 FHIR (which is pronounced “fire”), but many providers don’t really know what these things mean. To start, what is HL7? Health Level Seven […]

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What is Interoperability?

Interoperability with a Behavioral Health EHR

According to the 21st Century Cures Act, interoperability refers to health information technology that does three things. Firstly, it enables electronic health information to be easily exchanged. Secondly, interoperability allows authorized professionals to access, exchange and use the health information. Lastly, it does not allow for information blocking. Benefits of Interoperability The ultimate goal of […]

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North Carolina Requires Opioid E-Prescribe

The North Carolina Medical Board recently released a new mandate for the Strengthen Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOP) Act of 2017. Starting in January, North Carolina agencies prescribing opioids and narcotics will be required to submit prescriptions electronically. This e-prescribe requirement is for targeted controlled substances, which include Schedule II and Schedule III opioids and narcotics. […]

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Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Most healthcare providers who receive state funds, such as Medicaid, are required to connect to NC HealthConnex by June 1, 2020. If your agency isn’t connected in time, you may be unable to receive payments for services you provide. However, many behavioral health agencies don’t know what connecting to the health information exchange (HIE) fully […]

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