
Category Archives: Blog

Traumatic Stress: Protecting Health Staff

For health leaders to best support their staff and community members, efforts can be made towards becoming a trauma-informed organization with focus on supporting resilience and healing and protecting healthcare staff from traumatic stress. Healthcare practitioners have carried a particularly heavy burden being on the front lines of emergency response efforts of COVID-19 while seeing their […]

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Internet Explorer Security is going away: Is it taking yours with it?

exploring security risks of internet browsers

With internet explorer security going away because of no longer being supported by Microsoft, healthcare agencies and organizations using that browser need to consider if that is jeopardizing their security. Major hacking events, including healthcare ransomware attacks, are increasingly reported in the news. In protecting sensitive system data stored on cloud-based SaaS technology EHRs, all […]

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Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations: Communication Tips

talking about vaccines

How can your organization start conversations about COVID-19, address the needs of individual communities and pave a path forward to increase COVID-19 vaccinations? How do you prevent misinformation from creating hesitancy? As public health agencies continue trying to vaccinate Americans against COVID-19, we can use the following tips from public health experts to communicate skillfully […]

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Is your EHR being Sunsetted? Consider Your Options

EHR Sunsetting

Is your current EHR being sunsetted and is your current vendor still a good fit? Have your staff members complained about your Electronic Health Record’s vendor not keeping promises, build times not keeping up with integration demands, communication being unclear about upgrades, hidden charges, systems being too labor intensive, or the account management and support […]

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Using EHRs as a Foundation for Enhanced Care

enhanced patient care

Electronic Health Record platforms have evolved over the years and now clinicians are using EHRs as a foundation for enhanced care. Recently, many EHR systems have incorporated new software that allows patients to register for vaccinations, send text messages and appointment reminders.  It’s true that technology has evolved in a great manner over the last […]

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