
Category Archives: Blog

Usability versus Learnability in EHR User Interface

Usability Learnability EHR User Interface

When choosing a User Interface (UI) for your Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, be sure to consider usability vs learnability in the system design. While there is a relationship between these terms, there is always a tension between being easy-to-use versus easy-to-learn and UI’s often sacrifice one over the other in terms of design. A […]

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Shopping for an EHR – 8 things to find out First

shopping for a new ehr

Whether your health agency is switching from paper records or another Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, prepare yourself ahead of shopping for an EHR. By determining the following, you will have a better understanding of your needs and will be able to communicate those needs as well as evaluate vendors more effectively. Here are the […]

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Do Individuals have to Disclose Vaccination Status?

disclose vaccination status or not - the law

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a controversy about “vaccine passports”, medical privacy laws and individual rights. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eases restrictions on individuals vaccinated against Coronavirus, many companies and individuals are asking for individuals to disclose vaccination status. HIPAA is often cited as a justification to avoid disclosing that vaccination status; […]

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EHR Implementation for Behavioral Health Challenges

ehr for behavioral health

EHR implementation for Behavioral Health has seen many challenges. In 2019, North Carolina attempted to change Medicaid to a system run by healthcare companies and lawmakers were pushing to make health records electronic. However, some providers were not exactly on board. Health records within large hospitals and clinics have been electronic, but some smaller mental […]

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Protect Patient Data from CyberAttack: 5 EHR Security Features

protect patient data from cyberattack

Major hacking events are now commonplace and will become even more prevalent, sophisticated and severe. Prime targets include healthcare agencies, school districts, city governments, etc. According to the ninth annual Health IT Industry Outlook Survey, 25% of healthcare organizations plan to invest their IT dollars on cybersecurity this year. Wisely invest your IT budget and […]

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