
Author Archives: Hope Alfaro

About Hope Alfaro

Hope Alfaro (Ahl-FAH-roh) is originally from Orlando, Florida but grew up in rural NC, She is addicted to knowledge and research and integrates these passions as a Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health. She created engaging content and news and keeps up to date with the latest health news to share with readers.

Using EHR data to select candidates for HIV PrEP

HIV Clinic

The increase in medical technology including Electronic Health Records (EHR) has greatly increased the amount of available health data for both research and treatment. Many public health departments, community health centers (FQHC), and private practice have already made the move. HIV clinics are also seeing the benefits of increased data and treatment outcomes for patients […]

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Do the MACRA – Changes are coming sooner than you think


To end the year on a high note, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the Final Rule on October 14, 2016, for the implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA). The changes provide the most complex and significant change to reimbursement in over 20 years. But how soon will these […]

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Addiction in America: A $420 Billion-dollar fight in Behavioral Health

addiction graphic

Recently, the surgeon general published a report on the state of substance use disorders, a topic that before the past year had never been discussed by a surgeon general in the context of healthcare. The report provides a much-needed viewpoint on the nature of substance use disorders, an increasingly visible problem in behavioral and mental […]

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Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment and Community Health (FQHC)

Affordable Care Act

Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014, the uninsured rate among non-elderly adults dropped from 20.4% in 2013 to 12.8% in 20151. The groups most targeted by the ACA include poor and low-income individuals, those groups who frequently visit Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Public Health Departments for care. This […]

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