
Author Archives: Hope Alfaro

About Hope Alfaro

Hope Alfaro (Ahl-FAH-roh) is originally from Orlando, Florida but grew up in rural NC, She is addicted to knowledge and research and integrates these passions as a Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health. She created engaging content and news and keeps up to date with the latest health news to share with readers.

Four steps to do more with less for Family Planning Services

Family Planning

As the future of the Affordable Care Act and budgets for social services loom in the balance, it is more important than ever for clinics and health centers depending on federal funds or grant money to stretch their dollars as much as possible. Title X and Family Planning have been the most tenuous of grant-funded […]

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Dealing with Change: Managing the Uncertainty in Healthcare

Community Health EHR

    Regardless of the size of your public health department, community health center, or practice, dealing with changes in regulations or workflow in your clinic can make any average staff member nervous. But change is both important and necessary. It ensures your practice remaining compliant to state and federal regulations and improving patient care […]

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Check your Tables: Common UDS Reporting Mistakes

For HRSA Funded Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Look-Alikes (FQHC-LA) who received their grants before October 2016, it is time to start filing your annual Uniform Data System (UDS) reports for the 2016 service year. The first due date for UDS is February 15, 2017 (although they are sometimes flexible with this date) and […]

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