
Author Archives: Amanda Girard

About Amanda Girard

Amanda is the Marketing Manager at Patagonia Health, a cloud and apps-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company serving Public and Behavioral Health. Amanda has a passion for serving those who serve in others in healthcare. She oversees the production of informative content on industry topics and health IT solutions.

Do Individuals have to Disclose Vaccination Status?

disclose vaccination status or not - the law

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a controversy about “vaccine passports”, medical privacy laws and individual rights. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) eases restrictions on individuals vaccinated against Coronavirus, many companies and individuals are asking for individuals to disclose vaccination status. HIPAA is often cited as a justification to avoid disclosing that vaccination status; […]

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Protect Patient Data from CyberAttack: 5 EHR Security Features

protect patient data from cyberattack

Major hacking events are now commonplace and will become even more prevalent, sophisticated and severe. Prime targets include healthcare agencies, school districts, city governments, etc. According to the ninth annual Health IT Industry Outlook Survey, 25% of healthcare organizations plan to invest their IT dollars on cybersecurity this year. Wisely invest your IT budget and […]

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Combat Digital Burnout with these 3 EHR Solutions

Digital burnout is a growing problem. Societally, we have become reliant on technologies to stay connected and complete our work. These technologies can help but they can also lead to fatigue and information overload. Clinicians encounter stress when their online administrative tasks and messaging distract from patient care. And it’s not just physicians and nurses […]

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EHRs for E-Prescriptions and Drug Monitoring Programs

ehrs for e-prescriptions

Electronic Prescriptions (or e-prescriptions) allow prescribers to write prescriptions digitally. Digital prescriptions can save prescribers time and energy and lower the risks of prescription errors, drug reactions, and dosage miscalculations that send 1.3 million Americans to the emergency room annually. E-prescriptions are now federally mandated in most states with the last states scheduled to begin […]

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Bill to Adopt the CCBHC Medicaid Demonstration Nationwide

ccbhc national funding

The bipartisan Excellence in Mental Health and Addiction Treatment Act of 2021 was introduced to the Senate this July and will allow every state to establish fully funded Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) and join the CCBHC Medicaid demonstration nationwide. If the act is passed it will expand access to high-quality mental health and […]

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