
Author Archives: Amanda Girard

About Amanda Girard

Amanda is the Marketing Manager at Patagonia Health, a cloud and apps-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company serving Public and Behavioral Health. Amanda has a passion for serving those who serve in others in healthcare. She oversees the production of informative content on industry topics and health IT solutions.

Finding a Trustworthy EHR Vendor

finding a trustworthy ehr vendor

Finding a trustworthy EHR vendor is important. The investment in a new system is significant and carries risks and consequences of failure. When your healthcare agency is shopping for a new EHR system, do your due diligence and vet your vendor as well. Do not exhaust your budget for a system that comes with hidden […]

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Patagonia Health Joins the Carequality Network

carequality network

Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) software company serving Public Health and Behavioral Health agencies, has now joined the Carequality network. Carequality is a national-level, consensus-built, common interoperability framework built to connect many health data sharing networks. Carequality currently coordinates care between 600k care providers, 50k clinics and 4,200+ hospitals. Interfacing with Carequality will […]

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Guidelines for Using Telehealth for Group Therapy

telehealth for group therapy

Group therapy uses many of the same approaches as individual therapy and research has shown it can sometimes be more effective. The use of group therapy during the social isolation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has proven more helpful than ever. Patients connected through virtual telehealth apps form a sense of belonging, build a […]

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Alleviate Staffing Shortages with an EHR and Patient Self Services

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, health clinics were experiencing staffing issues and healthcare workforce understaffing has only been exacerbated now due to the virus. Because of COVID-19 we have encountered loss of life, staff burnout and unprecedented turnover rates. More patients are returning in-person to clinics yet the staffing has not improved. With variants of […]

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EHR Implementation Success: 7 Tips

successful ehr implementation tips

After you have chosen a new Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, how do you smoothly transition to it? Follow these 7 tips for EHR implementation success.  Set realistic goals and expectations. Is it realistic to think you will be paperless in 1 month? Do all of your programs need to go-live at once or is […]

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