Posted By Monique Dever On August 26, 2014
The Center for Healthy North Carolina releases its latest “Snapshot of Success”
Calling all North Carolina Public Health Departments! Will you join the cause for a healthier state?
Every quarter, the Center for Healthy North Carolina highlights a successful implementation of evidence-based strategies and interventions from across the state via its series “Snapshots of Success: Evidence-Based Strategies at Work.” All of the evidence-based strategies (EBS) featured in the series align with Healthy North Carolina 2020 focus areas and objectives that are moving North Carolina to a “Better State of Health.”
This quarter, the series features a broad partnership in Wayne County between the Healthy Wayne Task Force, Go Wayne Go and Goldsboro Building Supply, among others. According to the Center, “The Task Force used a collective impact approach to address adult obesity and focused on an EBS to implement a multi-partner, community-wide campaign to increase physical activity.”
To reach its goal of becoming the healthiest state in the nation, the Center for Healthy North Carolina needs us all to pitch in and Public Health Departments can strongly lead the way. Click here to join the cause!
For related reading click here to read an interview that Patagonia Health had with the Center’s director, Laura Emerson Edwards.