Posted By Dayna Riddle On June 28, 2022
Community Violence: How an EHR can Help

With community violence, specifically gun-related crimes, skyrocketing throughout the past decade, it is crucial for public and behavioral health organizations to have the assistance they need from tools and systems that can lift some of their burdens. Violence in the community you serve is a heavy issue that affects everyone. Your Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can play a small part in helping your community feel a little safer when experiencing violence.
Violent crimes in communities are recognized as a public health issue. As you assist your communities in treating physical wellbeing, your EHR tools can be your right-hand man when experiencing violence or other trauma. A trusted EHR will collaborate with you to develop innovative applications to add functionality specific to your organization and community. When going through a tragedy or negative pattern in your community, it is critical to have a software program to assist you in your unique experiences.
In addition, if your organization is a local health department, a federal or state reporting app will help facilitate a clear string of communication. Making the state or federal government aware of violence in the communities you serve is a step towards further assistance, like grants or legislation, for these issues.

Public Health departments are not the only organizations affected by violence in their communities. Behavioral health clinics or other organizations that support whole-person care can be affected as well, as people who survive violent injuries may experience long-term consequences like memory loss, PTSD, and anxiety. In schools, one study shows only 59% of students feel safe. A tool such as a school health app can automate a school nurse’s workflow by analyzing data to promote health equity, recognizing patterns (like anxiety or other symptoms) to see if they are present throughout the community, and providing clear, fast communication with providers and parents to treat the student.
Another EHR tool to help communities experiencing mental trauma from violence is a psychiatric evaluation scale like the Beck Depression Scale, Mini Mental Status Scale, ADHD Scale, and more. These systems allow you to track clients’ scores over time, so you will be able to monitor the progress or digression of your clients after a traumatic event.
EHR tools like the ones mentioned above are important to help your community when experiencing violence or other trauma. However, customer service and support can make the difference so you feel like you have a team behind you. Your community does not need to go through traumatic events alone. Teams of specialists can help you through the implementation of tools to help your organization succeed and do what you do best– provide whole-person care and serve those who are underserved.
About Patagonia Health, Inc.
Patagonia Health is a living Electronic Health Record (EHR) software designed to meet the complex needs and desired health outcomes of Public Health and Behavioral Health organizations. Our federally certified, easy-to-learn platform includes integrated practice management and billing software so you get one end-to-end solution. Employee-owned and organically grown, our mission is to support your business with software and service that allows you to provide your patients with the care they deserve. If you’d like more information about our solutions, contact us today.