Workflow Analysis & Optimization Services

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Over the years, community health centers and local health departments have been using a mix of paper and electronic systems. In addition, some workflows may be outdated. While transitioning to a new EHR, it is an ideal time to thoroughly review current processes for improvement.

Some health departments and FQHCs may not have the necessary resources to perform a thorough workflow analysis. Thus, Patagonia Health, as an option, offers this expertise at an additional cost. This service will help with transition as well as maximize return on your EHR investment.

This service includes both on-site and remote reviews of current processes. Based on experience gained from a large number of health departments (who have successfully transitioned to EHR),
Patagonia Health workflow optimization experts can make recommendations and share experiences from other health departments.

Following is a brief outline of this service:

Workflow Analysis

  • To map current workflows, Patagonia Health experts will gather a lot of clinical and clerical information. They may visit your site to perform an in-depth analysis of current processes. This activity will help us to fully understand current individual and organizational workflows. This upfront investment helps us recommend optimal workflows and help transition each function from current state to a future state.

Optimization Services

  • During training and go live, users are just learning the basics of what an EHR can do. Once users have gone live and are using the system on a daily basis, questions emerge. This Optimization service provides customized consulting to help transition the team as well as optimize workflows in order to maximize value. Typically, this is a combination of on-site and off-site consultation.

Key Benefits

  • Streamline workflow across the agency
  • Improve efficiencies through updated workflow
  • Gain insight from proven methods of optimized processes
  • Maximize your return on your EHR investment
