Substance Abuse & Addiction Functionalities for Behavioral Health
For health care organizations focusing on substance abuse and addiction therapy, it can be hard to find an all encompassing Electronic Health Record (EHR) to handle the many different treatment options you offer. Whether you provide residential treatment, or just outpatient or group counseling sessions, Patagonia Health’s line of behavioral health and substance abuse EHR applications can be tailored for the specific needs of your agency. Our advanced cloud and apps-based system allows you to track every aspect of each client’s treatment, from intake to billing reimbursements.
- One system for outpatient services, residential services, therapy treatment, and group therapy
- Customized solutions and workflows for multiple treatment program options
- Industry standard data elements relevant to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) screening, diagnosis, level of care determination (ASAM, etc.) and ongoing treatment
- Built-in billing software, connected to 3,000+ payers
- Clinical documentation options, including one-screen note completion for group sessions, comprehensive clinical assessments, and progress notes
Key Benefits
- Utilize one system for all client services
- Track transportation and clinical productivity
- Built-in authorization tracking
- Reduce likelihood of contraindications and drug interactions
- Customizable and pre-written reporting options