Posted By Hope Alfaro On February 28, 2017

Patagonia Health Partners Offers Security Risk Assessment via databrackets

Security Risk Assessment

Cary, NC — February 4, 2017 – Patagonia Health, Inc., a provider of a cloud- and apps-based Electronic Health Records solution, announced a new partnership with databrackets, HIPAA specialists and Security Risk Analysis consultants, also of Cary, NC.  The two businesses serve similar markets and the partnership will provide enhanced security and HIPAA compliance services options offered to Patagonia Health customers.

“Health departments handle a lot of sensitive patient data but have a very limited budget available,” said Srini Kolathur, Director of databrackets. The core objective of databrackets’s services is to ensure healthcare practices secure patient data, stored in systems and used in processes, by complying with HIPAA/HITECH privacy, security, and breach rule requirements. “For databrackets, it is a great opportunity to partner with Patagonia Health, which specializes in providing cloud-based EHR systems to health departments, behavioral health agencies, and community health centers. We look forward to working with Patagonia Health to add value to overall patient data compliance at an affordable price.”

While Patagonia Health’s EHR system provides the required privacy and security measures within the patient records, there are other policies and processes that go beyond the EHR.  Identifying these areas within the health agency, and developing an internal policy will help ensure compliance.  Alongside the customer, the consulting experts of databrackets will do just that.

Key Benefits of a Security Risk Assessment:

  • Maintain compliance with HIPAA Security and Privacy rules
  • Meet mandated attestation requirements
  • Quarterly compliance maintenance program and security reminders for staff
  • Prepares your facility for random audit
  • Audit support guaranteed
  • Receive best practice recommendations for all technology assets
  • Solifidy a customized risk management plan
  • Receive an external network and web application vulnerability scan

“Patagonia Health’s main objective is superior service.  Our goal is to have 100% customer reference ability” stated Ashok Mathur, Patagonia Health CEO.  “Offering additional and beneficial services to our customers, services that go beyond our own expertise, is prudent.”

About databrackets
databrackets assists healthcare organizations and business associates in developing and implement practices to secure patient data and comply with HIPAA/HITECH regulations and Meaningful Use (MU) EHR incentive programs. databrackets experts conduct Security Risk Assessments, and ensure HIPAA Compliance for Covered Entities and Business Associates.

About Patagonia Health Inc.
Patagonia Health Inc. is a healthcare software supplier that has built a cloud and apps-based software solution. The solution includes an integrated, federally-certified, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Practice Management (PM) and Billing software. The company’s mission is to solve two major barriers to EHR adoption, usability and cost, and address customers’ number one problem: billing. Patagonia Health’s one-of-a-kind apps-based system represents a paradigm shift in the EHR software industry, and its highly-intelligent solution uses sophisticated technology that is extremely easy-to-use. Innovative and unique apps provide timely data for organizations to improve workflow, streamline their operations and take their organizations to the next level. For more information, visit or email

For more information, contact:
Patagonia Health Inc.
15100 Weston Parkway, Suite 204

Cary, NC 27513
Phone: (919) 238.4780
Fax: (919) 238.7920

About Hope Alfaro

Hope Alfaro (Ahl-FAH-roh) is originally from Orlando, Florida but grew up in rural NC, She is addicted to knowledge and research and integrates these passions as a Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health. She created engaging content and news and keeps up to date with the latest health news to share with readers.