Integrated Voice/Text/Email Appointment Reminder System

Save thousands of dollars every year with our automated messaging and reminder system.  The Communicator App is a built-in electronic automated “patient reminder system” that is completely integrated with the Patagonia Health EHR software.

Features & Benefits

  • Reminder messages can be sent via text, email or phoneCommunicator App mobile appt view
  • Easy-to-use – Saves staff effort
  • Provides interactive and mobile-ready communications
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • Decreases departmental expenses
  • Reduces the number of no shows
  • Improves organization’s image
Savings: Manual calling vs. Communicator App
Assuming 30 calls per day at 4 minutes per call at hourly pay rate $13/hr
Savings by Using the Communicator App
Save 2 hours per day Save $572 per month or $6,840 per year





Elizabeth Buffaloe Admin Assistant & Deputy Registrar - Halifax County Public Health System
Elizabeth Buffaloe Admin Assistant & Deputy Registrar – Halifax County Public Health System

“The Communicator App is very easy-to-use, as are the other parts of the EHR system.  Once we got the instructions for set-up, it was quite self-explanatory,”


Read Full Case Study: Integrated voice/text/email appointment reminder system reduces no-shows and saves staff time