Posted By Arnav Mathur On December 2, 2021
What you need to know about FPAR 2.0 for 2022

Family Planning Annual Report 2.0 (FPAR 2.0) is the next iteration of FPAR data reporting that will collect encounter level data from Title X family planning service grantees. FPAR 2.0 allows for an improvement to data collection, reporting, and analyzing. This will then lead to better and more opportunities for a better delivery of services for clients receiving family planning care.
What is FPAR?
FPAR (Family Planning Annual Report) is a report that requires an annual submission by all Title X family planning service grantees. This serves as a purpose to track and report the performance of the program. This data is presented in the form of a summary, so that the information of the people receiving Title X funded services can remain confidential. The annual reporting need is for family planning services delivery projects authorized and funded under the Population Research and Voluntary Family Planning Programs (Section 1001 of Title X of the Public Health Service Act, 42 United States Code [USC] 300; 42 CFR Part 59).
What changes are happening in FPAR 2.0?
FPAR 2.0 will be used to collect data throughout 2022 and report it starting in 2023. The current version is FPAR 1.0, and it will no longer be in use after 2022. There is currently a new data system for all grantees to upload their Family Planning Annual Report data in development, and it is expected to be fully ready for use in the next 2 years or so.
What can you do to prepare for FPAR 2.0?
Make sure your current EHR vendor is aware of the FPAR 2.0 changes so they can assist you in your reporting to this new data system by being interoperable with it. This can help you reduce staff hours by avoiding having to enter data into a new system instead of sending it over from your EHR. If you have any questions about this or about the EHR offered by Patagonia Health, please reach out to us.