We won’t leave you hanging after go-live.
EHR User Groups
patient referral orders
Health Director User Groups
patient referral orders
Remote and On-Site Training
Personalized EHR
– Cindy, Appalachian District Health Department
“The focus groups are really important. I enjoy going to share what I know with the other counties and get information from them.”
– Natasha, Hospital & Health Care
“The best EHR we have ever used. Patagonia is very user-friendly and is perfect for Public Health. The customer service is excellent.”
– Julie, Health Care
“I was dreading the EHR transition. But once oriented, the ease of documentation and ability to find virtually anything I needed won me over.”

We believe that EHR training doesn’t stop after go-live. That’s why Patagonia Health hosts additional training and peer discussion opportunities for our customers after implementation, in the form of User Groups.

EHR User Groups

Before go-live, users are focused on learning and practicing the basics of their day-to-day jobs. However, after 2-3 months of using their EHR, users may have more specific questions about the deeper functionalities of our solution. 

In addition to monthly training webinars with our active support team, we assist in on-site or remote EHR User Groups. They are a perfect opportunity for our customers to learn advanced features and share best practices with their peers.

User Training Page Image
300+ Customers
Retention Rate
60M+ Lives Covered
33+ States Served
Claims processed
total customers
total customers
total customers
total customers
EHR technology
Have questions about how Patagonia Health can meet your needs? Schedule a 20 minute chat with us.

EHR User Groups for Patagonia Health customers are one to two-day sessions conducted with peers from nearby health organizations, led by Patagonia Health experts. We offer sessions that cover a variety of administrative and clinical topics, including but not limited to:

  • Filing secondary claims
  • Billing reports
  • Debt set-off
  • Working denials/resubmission
  • Electronic prescription: advanced tricks and tips
  • Lab results and orders
  • Maternal Health workflow (for public health)

To maximize the value of new EHR software, users need an opportunity to learn on an ongoing basis.

Health Director User Groups (HDUG)

We realize that in public health, EHR systems must continue to evolve to meet ever-changing requirements and demands. In order to make sure our solution is keeping up with your needs, Patagonia Health runs state-specific EHR User Groups, created for leaders in Local Health Departments (LHDs).

Customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we want to ensure the value of your EHR, Practice Management, and Billing solution is maximized over time.

Cures act certified
Cures Act Certified
ONC Promoting Interoperability Certified
ONC certified EHR
HIPAA Compliant
HITRUST Certified
Top 10 Most Trusted EHR Vendors List
HITRUST certified EHR
Best in KLAS EHR
Leader in Medical Billing Software
Stevie Award winner
9x Stevie Award Winner for Customer Service
Top Patient Management Software
Top Electronic Medical Records Software
EHR technology
Learn more about our solutions, designed specifically for public and behavioral health.