Switching from Legacy to Cloud Based EHR

As many health agencies are facing the necessary change from a legacy EHR to a modern technology EHR, there are a few things you should know. Cloud and web based EHRs are simpler and cost effective as they eliminate the need for planning, installation and ongoing maintenance of expensive servers, software licenses, etc. More importantly, […]

3 Important – Often Unasked – Questions to Consider when Selecting a new EHR

When selecting a new EHR, whether through a comprehensive RFP or direct research, take advantage of the process. You are looking for a new EHR for a reason. Over many years of responding to Requests for Proposals (RFP) for new Electronic Health Record software (EHR), we found all too often agencies remain focused on their […]

Managing Your EHR Implementation Timeline

One of the most important challenges you will face when switching to a new EHR is managing your EHR implementation timeline. Are you considering implementing an EHR system in your healthcare organization? It’s a big decision and one that can have a significant impact on your operations, staff, and patients. The good news is, analyzing […]

Cloud Based Complete EHR Systems: Solving the Build it or Buy it Debate

When shopping for an Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution, one of the first decisions to be made is whether to build it (modular EHR) or buy it (complete EHR). Cloud based, complete EHR systems are solving the build it or buy it debate. Modular EHRs give healthcare agencies the opportunity to make a custom solution. […]