Posted By Lorana Price On October 9, 2018

Custom Reports Added to EHR

Public Health EHR Custom Reports and Behavioral Health EHR Custom Reports

Patagonia Health announces that new reports have been added to the electronic health record (EHR) system’s Custom Reports.

The added custom reports, in addition to new state-specific reports that were also added to the EHR system, are address the needs of both public health and behavioral health agencies.

Public Health EHR Custom Reports

  • Prenatal Family Case Management:  displays all demographics in the Outcome/Goals Tracking tab in the Prenatal Family Case Management widget.
  • Declaration of Income Report:  displays all patients who do not have a signed declaration of income within 365 days of a date a service.
  • STD AAPPS Reports: displays summary visits and/or STD case/tests used for grant reporting.

Behavioral Health EHR Custom Reports

  • Weekly Progress Note Daily Attendance (for Behavioral Health):  includes signed and open weekly progress notes for a given date and Weekly Progress Note fields of Billable and Non-Billable Units.
  • ASQ3 Report (for Behavioral Health):  displays demographic information and scores for each based on the identified date range. Data is pulled from the Screening Counseling Assessment Tools widget.

WIth the addition of these custom reports, Patagonia Health continues to demonstrate that we are responsive to the needs and requests of our users. We are committed to maximizing our web-based platform as the best readily-expandable electronic health record on the market.

About Lorana Price

Lorana Price is a Marketing Executive at Patagonia Health. Her background includes work with regulated document management software, home healthcare software and global medical device commercialization. She applies her skills at Patagonia Health by developing content related to important Public and Behavioral Health news and updates.