Posted By Lorana Price On October 24, 2018
Vaccine Inventory App is Enhanced
Patagonia Health announces system updates to their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system’s Vaccine Inventory App. In addition to the multi-dose vial option, users may now add a multi-vial dose into inventory.
This option is selected for products that may be billed for more than one unit, such as immunoglobulin.
Distinctions between Multi-dose and Multi-vial
Multi-dose vial – The actual mount administered is entered at administration. The system then calculates the units from the amount administered, divided by the dosage/unit. The calculated unites are then adjusted within the inventory.
Multi-vial dose – The units calculated for the dispense count referenced above are also used as billing units when using the Update Immunization Orders option in the Orders section of the Encounter Note.
Benefits of the Vaccine Inventory App Enhancement
This added flexibility enhances both accuracy in vaccine inventory assessment/counts and accuracy in billing. User requests drive feature development, making Patagonia Health’s EHR solution more robust for all users. Following user-centered design principles and agile development methodologies, we release software updates every six weeks. We are committed to maximizing our web-based platform to be the best readily-expandable and responsive electronic health record software on the market.