Posted By Monique Dever On June 10, 2021
Using EHRs as a Foundation for Enhanced Care
Electronic Health Record platforms have evolved over the years and now clinicians are using EHRs as a foundation for enhanced care. Recently, many EHR systems have incorporated new software that allows patients to register for vaccinations, send text messages and appointment reminders. It’s true that technology has evolved in a great manner over the last 5 to 10 years with EHRs. EHRs also allow medical teams the opportunity to simplify clinical documentation, eliminate operational burden and reduce operational cost. Which, inevitably, is the foundation for enhanced care.
When onboarding an EHR system, there has historically been a learning curve for adopters. Some challenges may occur and the software may be difficult to understand and to navigate. EHR providers may have to train one team how to use the software when setting up the system in clinics. While this training is beneficial, it often didn’t take into consideration existing systems like already involved software at the clinic according to healthcare workers. Juggling records between two systems made many practitioners dread the use of EHRs. Along with clinics, many patients struggled to understand the autonomization of their records and information was difficult to impart from clinic to patient.
Another benefit of using EHRs as a foundation for enhanced care is the access of information provided to patients. By allowing patients to quickly access their records, clinics provide patients a sense of trust with open communication. The quality of a clinician’s communication speaks volumes about their practice. EHRs also put information in the hands of the patients. For example, by texting patients and allowing them to register for upcoming appointments, empowers patients. The accessibility of information about health conditions minimize consultation and waiting room times while also allowing clients to pull up the information sent to them for exploration.
Along with providing seamless user experience for patients, with EHR systems healthcare workers don’t have to juggle between systems to reach their client’s information. They can access all correspondence and data on a patient through one hub, making information retrieval easy. With the collaboration and integration of new technology, a comprehensive EHR, such as Patagonia Health’s EHR, allows healthcare providers the ability to care and treat their patients by using EHRs as a foundation for enhanced care.