
Tag Archives: Training

How to Train New Employees in your EHR when you‘re Busy

Golden Thread clinical documentation

How can you train new employees in your EHR when you are already short staffed, busy, and trying to keep up? COVID-10 has exacerbated turnover in the healthcare industry. Remaining staff have little time to dedicate to training new staff members. There are several training strategies you can use. With a plan in place, you […]

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EHR User Groups: The Benefits of Group Learning

Whenever you read of identified “best practices” of successful EHR implementation, one of the key ingredients is always “extensive staff training” and “practice makes perfect”. However, various EHR vendors provide different levels of training.   There are various models of training used by EHR vendors including: Basic, remote training (over the web) including self-help videos. […]

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