Tag Archives: mental health tools

Telehealth Group Therapy Functionality Now Expanded

telehealth group option

Telehealth group therapy sessions are now possible with Patagonia Health’s EHR-embedded Telehealth App. Previously, clinicians could access our Encounter Notes Widget while using our Telehealth App. Now clinicians can integrate our Group Notes Widget with our Telehealth App. We wanted to provide our customers with the benefits of an embedded EHR Telehealth solution so that […]

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Adolescent Mental Health Tips for Caregivers

adolescent mental health tips

Providing adolescent mental health tips for parents or caregivers can help beyond a doctor or therapy visit. Experts are calling for policy changes as a solution to the adolescent mental health crisis, but proper care in the home can also truly make a difference. As a part of meeting your adolescent patients’ or clients’ needs, […]

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Tips to Support Employee Mental Health

support employee mental health

A huge trend in workplace management has become to find ways to support employee mental health while on the job. Healthcare workers’ mental health has taken quite a toll since the COVID 19 pandemic took the world by storm almost 2 full years ago. They’ve been overworked and sometimes underappreciated, which leads to burnout. It’s […]

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Mental Health Awareness for more than a Month

Ongoing Mental Health Awareness

May just came to a close, which means Mental Health Awareness Month is also ending. But that doesn’t mean the communication should stop. Or even slow down, for that matter. Mental Health Awareness month has been observed in May since 1949. It’s outreach has touched millions of people through media, local events and screenings. Mental […]

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