
Tag Archives: EHR Implementation

How to Migrate data to a new EHR Successfully

Migrate data to a new EHR

Knowing how to migrate data to a new EHR successfully can save you a lot of worry. Switching EHRs can often be a strenuous and sometimes troublesome process. What can sometimes be even more stressful is migrating all your clients’ important data to your new vendor. While migrating data to a new EHR can be […]

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EHR Implementation Success: 7 Tips

successful ehr implementation tips

After you have chosen a new Electronic Health Records (EHR) solution, how do you smoothly transition to it? Follow these 7 tips for EHR implementation success.  Set realistic goals and expectations. Is it realistic to think you will be paperless in 1 month? Do all of your programs need to go-live at once or is […]

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EHR Implementation for Behavioral Health Challenges

ehr for behavioral health

EHR implementation for Behavioral Health has seen many challenges. In 2019, North Carolina attempted to change Medicaid to a system run by healthcare companies and lawmakers were pushing to make health records electronic. However, some providers were not exactly on board. Health records within large hospitals and clinics have been electronic, but some smaller mental […]

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6 Ways to Optimize Your EHR

optimize for EHR success with your EHR vendor

Whether you are moving from paper, a hybrid system or an existing EHR, now is the time to think about how to optimize your EHR. It’s not an easy task. It has a lot of moving parts. But, putting this effort in before you search for an EHR vendor and implement a system is key […]

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Avoiding Analysis Paralysis When Selecting an EHR

too many choices

Think back to the grocery shopping experience of our childhood. The cereals were a “section” – not an entire aisle.  We chose between Cheerios[i] and Wheaties[ii]. Or. if Mom was in a splurge mood and it was our lucky day, Captain Crunch[iii] or (you guessed it) Lucky Charms[iv]. But can you guess how many kinds […]

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