
Tag Archives: EHR for FQHC

Is the Sun Setting on Your Current EHR System?

EHR system changes

Is your current Electronic Health Record (EHR) software being phased out by your vendor?  Due to mergers and acquisitions (not to mention advanced technology) within the EHR system market, many vendors either inherit or develop newer modern systems resulting in multiple EHR product offerings.  When this happens, it is common for these vendors to sunset […]

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The 6 Steps EHR Selection & Implementation: Plan for Planning

Successful EHR Selection and Implementation

Selecting and implementing a new Electronic Health Record System(EHR) is, and should be, a great task for any size public health department or community health center. On average, transition to a new EHR will take a public health department approximately 8-12 months. Some organizations may take less time and others more; it all depends on […]

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Check your Tables: Common UDS Reporting Mistakes

For HRSA Funded Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Look-Alikes (FQHC-LA) who received their grants before October 2016, it is time to start filing your annual Uniform Data System (UDS) reports for the 2016 service year. The first due date for UDS is February 15, 2017 (although they are sometimes flexible with this date) and […]

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