The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently proposed new rules to support seamless and secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information (EHI). The rules were issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). The intention of […]
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DHHS recommends healthcare providers migrate from legacy EHR to more secure cloud environments
In the June 2017 “Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry” published by the Department of Health and Human Services Health Care Industry Cybersecurity Task Force, it was noted that many healthcare agencies are still running patient records databases on legacy systems. And not only are these systems subject to more successful hacking, […]
Read MoreUnderstand HIPAA violations to prevent them from happening to you
By now most people are familiar with the term HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). It has been around since 1996, and even more enforced since 2001 with the onset of the Privacy Rule. It has become a critical factor in protecting patients’ health information. There are thousands of breaches filed every year, […]
Read MoreEbola on our minds
Because we are involved in the Public Health sector (and interested), it is hard not to follow the Ebola epidemic. Every news station aired has one story or another about new cases and reactions of the communities; the thousands affected in West Africa, and at least 17 travelers from other countries, including the United States. […]
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