Posted By Amanda Girard On September 14, 2021
Patagonia Health Joins the Carequality Network

Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) software company serving Public Health and Behavioral Health agencies, has now joined the Carequality network. Carequality is a national-level, consensus-built, common interoperability framework built to connect many health data sharing networks. Carequality currently coordinates care between 600k care providers, 50k clinics and 4,200+ hospitals. Interfacing with Carequality will help Patagonia Health’s customers access and transmit patient data more seamlessly between these other healthcare entities and speed up their administrative functions of obtaining health records.
Health Information Exchanges are nothing new yet these have been mostly disparate local or state networks. Carequality being a national network-to-network trust framework gives providers access to a much larger pool of patient data. Carequality can be leveraged by existing networks (HIE, Vendor, Payer, PHR, etc.) and service providers (e.g. record locator services) to enable the sharing of data across these diverse networks, services and their participants. The search feature on the Carequality website allows agencies to see which providers are sharing health data.
“An HIE is only as strong as its HIE members,” says Jolie Rollins, Sales Engineer, Patagonia Health. “The more stakeholders who contribute patient data on the network, increase the value to everyone on the network, driving better decision making and patient outcomes.”
Using Carequality aids healthcare agencies’ workflow by allowing them to obtain patient data from or share patient data with more in-network providers. They would be able to receive and transmit patient information with any others in the Carequality network. This helps healthcare providers minimize their administrative functions. It eliminates several steps involving phone calls and faxes to request or send medical records. It also reduces wait times for that information exchange.
Patagonia Health is committed to pushing the future of healthcare forward with its innovative and secure EHR technologies. Their modern, cloud and apps-based solution is interoperable with tools healthcare agencies need and is certified for meaningful use. By interfacing with the Carequality network, this is just one further step Patagonia Health is making to better serve their customers in Public and Behavioral health. Streamlined solutions like these help keep the focus on patient care and away from the burnout associated with administrative tasks.
About Patagonia Health, Inc.
Patagonia Health, Inc. is a healthcare software supplier with a cloud and apps-based software solution that is designed specifically for Public Health Departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Community Health Centers (CHC) and Behavioral Health agencies. Their solution includes an integrated, federally-certified, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Practice Management (PM) and Billing software. For more information, visit