Posted By Monique Dever On December 15, 2017

Patagonia Health adds New eCQMs to EHR

Meaningful Use Graphic

In preparation of Stage 3 Meaningful Use and 2015 certification, Patagonia Health has already upgraded its EHR system with additional electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs). Providers using Patagonia Health can now use these updated measure to report 2017 data.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) updates its requirements for submission in CMS programs to insure the use of updated codes, logic corrections, and clarifications. All reported eCQM data requires that eligible professionals (EP) use the most current version of the eCQMs for the reporting period. As mentioned, Patagonia Health customers now have the new set of eCQMs available for reporting purposes. Once the EHR receives its 2015 certification, EPs using Patagonia Health EHR software will be able to fully attest for Meaningful Use Stage 3 2015.

Updated measure specifications can be found on the eCQI Resource Center for Eligible Professionals and the CMS website eCQM Library. [Patagonia Health’s testing for Stage 3 and 2015 Certification began October 2017.]

About Monique Dever

Monique integrates research and networking with her passion for health and well-being to provide important, up-to-date news, resources and current events to the public health communities. She is the Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company focused on the public health sector.