Posted By Abhi Muthiyan On February 20, 2010
Patagonia Health electronic prescription system certified by Surescripts™ to enhance physician practice workflow and improve efficiency
Patagonia Health’s free electronic prescription system eliminates lots of the faxes and the paperwork associated with prescriptions and refills. Not only does it save time, it improves patient care by providing physicians a comprehensive list of medications for each patient. Point of care access to patient eligibility and formulary allows prescribers to determine the most clinically appropriate and cost effective medication for patients. The following is from our partner’s (Surescripts) web site:
Surescripts’ e-prescribing services allow physicians to electronically send prescriptions from their offices to more than 54,000 retail pharmacies and six of the largest mail order pharmacies. In addition, Surescripts provides physicians with electronic access to their patients’ prescription benefit and medication history, which helps to improve safety and enables doctors to prescribe medications at the lowest cost to the patient. Surescripts’ Prescription Routing service allows prescribers to send a prescription directly to the computer at over 85 percent of the nation’s retail pharmacies and six of the nation’s largest mail order pharmacies.