Posted By Monique Dever On February 20, 2015
CMS may reduce Stage 3 Meaningful Use reporting requirements in 2015. Local Health departments can also benefit.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has committed to reduce the stage 3 meaningful use requirements for 2015, according to their blog post late last month. This is in response to provider uncertainties about software implementation, information exchange readiness, and other concerns. It shows a continued effort by CMS to work in partnership with healthcare providers.
The three general areas under review for modification are:
- The requirements for hospital’s EHR reporting periods to a calendar year.
- Modify several aspects of the program to reduce the complexities and reporting burdens.
- Shorten the 2015 reporting period to 90 days.
Reduction to 90 days is, I am sure, a welcome relief for a lot of our customers. Only doing 90 days is much easier than trying to be meet requirements for all 365 days. If CMS does provide relief then local health departments will also benefit.
CMS is currently “working on multiple tracks right now to realign the program to reflect the progress toward program goals and be responsive to stakeholder input. Today’s announcement that we intend to pursue the changes to meaningful use beginning in 2015 through rule-making, is separate from the forthcoming Stage 3 proposed rule that is expected to be released by early March. CMS intends to limit the scope of the Stage 3 proposed rule to the requirements and criteria for meaningful use in 2017 and subsequent years.”
The current rules for Stage 3 meaningful use is a separate issue and will remain for 2017. CMS intends to release these changes this spring. Read the full CMS blog post.