Author Archives: Monique Dever

About Monique Dever

Monique integrates research and networking with her passion for health and well-being to provide important, up-to-date news, resources and current events to the public health communities. She is the Marketing Executive for Patagonia Health, an Electronic Health Records (EHR) software company focused on the public health sector.

Patagonia Health: Adapt & Innovate, At Speed

Adapting to COVID 19 EHR

“As a company, and as a country, we are vaccinating millions of people quickly. It is fascinating to see how people nationwide are contributing to fight COVID-19 to get us back to normal. There is no playbook thus, as a nation, it is all hands on deck,” Ashok Mathur, Founder & CEO, Patagonia Health. COVID-19 […]

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CDC Beefs up on COVID-19 Reimbursement

cdc covid reimbursement ehr

The CDC and NCHS are making great strides to fund the relief effort of COVID-19. With vaccine distribution at an all time high, clinics across America are searching for ways to provide care to communities through doses, screenings, and hospital care. With the ongoing pandemic, clinicians across the United States are in need of assistance […]

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Patagonia Health Provides Tools to Public Health Departments for Successful Mass Vaccination Initiatives

covid-19 vaccine

Patagonia Health’s fully-integrated Mass Vaccination App. efficiently manages the administration, tracking, and reporting of the COVID-19 vaccine. To manage the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, health departments across the country need to efficiently manage vaccine administration, tracking, and reporting on a large scale. In response to the current environment, Patagonia Health launched a fully-integrated Mass […]

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Ten Indicators That You Should Replace and Modernize Your EHR System

Ten indicators that you should replace and modernize your Electronic Health Record (EHR). If your agency has three of these indicators, you should search for another EHR.   Not all EHRs are created equally. Some are archaic and cumbersome, and require too much IT support. Some are expensive and yet still do not do everything […]

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