
Author Archives: Lorana Price

About Lorana Price

Lorana Price is a Marketing Executive at Patagonia Health. Her background includes work with regulated document management software, home healthcare software and global medical device commercialization. She applies her skills at Patagonia Health by developing content related to important Public and Behavioral Health news and updates.

What is HL7?

HL7, FHIRE and interoperability

As interoperability becomes a more pressing issue for providers, EHR vendors are paying attention to the standards that work to enable seamless health data exchange. Terms used frequently are HL7 and HL7 FHIR (which is pronounced “fire”), but many providers don’t really know what these things mean. To start, what is HL7? Health Level Seven […]

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What is Interoperability?

Interoperability with a Behavioral Health EHR

According to the 21st Century Cures Act, interoperability refers to health information technology that does three things. Firstly, it enables electronic health information to be easily exchanged. Secondly, interoperability allows authorized professionals to access, exchange and use the health information. Lastly, it does not allow for information blocking. Benefits of Interoperability The ultimate goal of […]

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Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Connecting to NC HealthConnex

Most healthcare providers who receive state funds, such as Medicaid, are required to connect to NC HealthConnex by June 1, 2020. If your agency isn’t connected in time, you may be unable to receive payments for services you provide. However, many behavioral health agencies don’t know what connecting to the health information exchange (HIE) fully […]

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What is the NC HIE?

NC HealthConnex

North Carolina behavioral health providers are buzzing about the statewide mandate to connect to the health information exchange (HIE) – NC HealthConnex. But, many are unclear as to what exactly it is and what they need to do. What is NC HealthConnex? NC HealthConnex is the state-designated health information exchange. It’s designed to link various […]

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Healing Minds Selects Patagonia Health as their EHR Partner

Healing Minds Therapeutic Services, a behavioral health agency located in Fayetteville, North Carolina, recently completed implementation of Patagonia Health’s cloud-based Electronic Health Record (EHR), Practice Management and Billing solution. Healing Minds began their search for an EHR because of the North Carolina mandate for behavioral health agencies to connect to NC HealthConnex, the state’s health […]

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