
Posted By Fuller Harvey On October 13, 2017

In the Aftermath of Hurricanes, Your Choice of EHR Matters

Hurricane satellite image

Names have meaning.  Names have value and communicate more than the syllables pronounced.  In the face of the weather which has pummeled the United States this past month, now these names have meaning:  Harvey.  Irma. Maria. And most recently, Nate.
Per the AMA “Morning Rounds” web news of October 5, 2017, “Damage from Hurricane Maria could lead to drug shortages, federal officials say.”   Having access to real-time inventory at your clinic via a strong and functioning EHR could make all the difference in the world in how your facilities and staff are able to respond in the face of an emergency.  Additionally, individuals who are displaced due to weather will have the impact of the storm on their lives greatly minimized if they have been being served by a clinic with a connected EHR system.
Thus:  Whether or not the disaster directly impacts your region, access to a connected and capable EHR matters.  As the article referenced above details, “there are over 80 plants on Puerto Rico that manufacture pharmaceuticals or medical devices, but . . . manufacturers are facing many problems including unreliable electricity, transportation issues, and so on.”  Your region does not have to sustain a “direct hit” for your AGENCY to sustain a direct hit from a hurricane.
If your local health department has wisely prepared and has already implemented a capable and progressive EHR, then riding out a storm and its after effects becomes an easier proposition for all parties involved.  One practical example: with an EHR, your staff is equipped to deliver uninterrupted services to your clients by maintaining a strong pharmacy or immunization inventory.
So – what’s the name of your EHR?  It matters.  Your EHR should be able to have you real-time prepared both in the face of an impending large-scale emergency, and in its aftermath.  Select an EHR that will be by your side – in preparedness and in secured strength.  Go ahead:  face and weather the storm.  A strong EHR has your back.

About Fuller Harvey

Fuller is a creative consultant who is bringing her passion for connective, encouraging, and practical communication to Patagonia Health. She considers her greatest strength to be creating an adhesive environment where individuals are valued, supported and celebrated for the contributions they bring to the “team table” and where all communication -both within and without the company – has positive purpose and impact.